Primary students are learning how to communicate their ideas in clear and respectful ways. They learn the different ways they can speak to their peers, family members, teachers and strangers. As the move from a self-centred attitude to a greater awareness of others they can become more skilled at holding balanced conversations that of interest to everyone involved in the conversation.


Students may need direct support to start a conversation with others. 

Here are a few ideas they could try:

How are you doing?

I notice you like to … I like to do that too!

Where is your favourite place to visit?

Give a compliment. 

What is your favourite hobby?

Would you rather play at the park or in your backyard?

What is your favourite movie? Why do you like it?

Who is your favourite super hero? Why do you like them?

Students may also need reminders that conversations involve taking turns.



Listening carefully, making eye contact, and avoiding interrupting someone who is speaking are all important skills that a student may need practice with before they get good at holding conversations.

In this lesson, Mr. Parker talks about the importance of using good listening skills, but also introduces the important skill of repeating  back in your own words what the other person is saying so that the individual sharing feels heard. Paraphrasing is a great way to show we are listening and understanding.

Finally, staying on topic is a good goal for young conversationalists. Students can practice this skill if they are given a topic card that they will use to help focus their thoughts during a conversation.