Students will compare the different types of communication.
(verbal, non-verbal, written).
Students will further breakdown communication into the four styles and discuss the pros and cons of each: passive, assertive, aggressive, passive-aggressive.
Students will describe and demonstrate an understanding of active listening behaviour and its importance. Students will learn what active listening looks, sounds and feels like, as well as the role of paraphrasing and asking thoughtful questions when actively listening.
Spreading rumours, gossiping, saying hurtful things, and sharing information that is not yours to share are all examples of “trouble talk”. Students will not only explore what trouble talk is, but will also look at ways to avoid it.
A difficult classroom discussion may come up in any subject, but particularly in classes where social and political issues are a part of the curriculum. In this section, we will share some suggested guidelines to establish before, during and after classroom discussions.
Learning how to work through conflict is an important skill that involves effective communication skills.