
Stress is a normal response to situational pressures or demands, especially if they are perceived as threatening or dangerous. Stress symptoms can affect your health, even though you might not realize it.


Stress symptoms can affect our bodies, our thoughts, feelings, and our behaviour. Stress may feel overwhelming at times, but some stress can be a good thing. It can motivate us to focus on a task or take action and solve a problem. It is important to remember that stress is a reaction to a situation- it is not about the actual situation. With the proper tools and strategies, stress can be managed in a healthy manner.


Worry Says What?

Worries are nervous or anxious thoughts or feelings about what is happening or might happen.

Allison Edwards, author of the best-selling book “Why Smart Kids Worry”, gives a glimpse into the ways worry whispers to young minds. In her book, she offers a powerful tool all children can use to silence those fears.

Some journal prompts after reading “Worry Says What?”:

(click on image for video of book being read)

  • What are some of your worries? If it helps, categorize your worries into small worries and big worries
  • What are some effects of your worries? How do they make you feel in your body?
  • What are some strategies you use or could use to help you diffuse your worries?

Some Other Great Read Alouds and Resources on the Topic of Worry:

Advice Column Writing (re Stress and Worry):

After reading some of the various read alouds addressing worry, have students respond to an advice column regarding anxiety and worry allowing them the opportunity to express the tools and strategies they’ve picked up throughout the unit and class discussions.