Using the responsible decision making model, choose a scenario to act out from start to finish choosing the best outcome decided amongst your group.


In order for students to effectively make responsible decisions, the following steps are recommended:

  • Identify the problem: Students must be able to recognize that there is a problem.

  • Analyze the situation: Once students have succeeded in identifying the problem, they must then learn to analyze the situation from a variety of angles, which includes identifying how and why the problem arose.

  • Solve the problem: After students have sufficiently identified, analyzed, and considered the problem, they then need to develop and practice methods for solving problems. They need to identify possible options and explore the benefits and potential consequences of each option. (ethical responsibility should be considered as well)

  • Evaluate and reflect: Evaluating and reflecting on what happened is almost as important as the decision making process itself. When students take the time to reflect on what went well and what could be improved, they are thinking critically on necessary changes and will work to incorporate their new thinking into their next decision making opportunity.