What is Kindness?

Students post answers to the question, “What is Kindness?” and have the opportunity to celebrate the kindness found at school, home, and in their community.

Kindness Calendar:

Classes propose acts of kindness. Each act is put on a particular day and students make it their kindness challenge for the day.

This can be combined with the kindness chain idea.


Kindness Notes

Primary students are learning the power of being able to record their thoughts on paper. Writing Kindness Notes that can be given to others is a great motivator to encourage writing in young children. There are many resources available that match up with seasons or themes that also get students excited. And brightly coloured post it notes are always a hit and can be left around the school to bring happiness to students, staff, and parents.

Kindness Chain

A great classroom or school-wide activity to engage Primary learners is to record acts of kindness that they experience on paper strips that are then chained together and displayed so students can see the cumulative effect of small acts of kindness. The book, Ordinary Mary’s Extraordinary Deed, is especially good at helping students see the ripple effect of kindness.

Kindness Wall

Students can write or draw a message of kindness and display it on the wall. Their message can be for anyone they choose and should be positive, loving or kind. Watch the wall fill with words and pictures that warm hearts.

Caught You Caring

Students create an interactive display by recording times when they have caught one another showing kindness. Eventually the display cards can be sent home with the student that demonstrated kindness and families can celebrate with their child.


Kindness Scavenger Hunt

Students go on a scavenger hunt through the school with clipboards and pencils so they can record acts of kindness that are happening all around them. Waiting in line while a friend jumps hopscotch, holding the door open for others to walk through, and picking up litter are a few examples that can be recorded, then shared with the class.